Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kale Is a Superfood

Kale ..
is loaded with nutrition. Along with broccoli and other brassicas, kale contains sulphoraphane, (particularly when chopped or minced), a chemical that has potent anti-cancer properties.
Kale is especially rich in Vitamin K, A and C,beta carrotene, lutein and zeaxanthan. Kale also contains a number of essential minerals including manganese, copper, tryptophan and calcium. Kale also contains dietary fiber, potassium, Vit B6, B 2, B1 and B3, iron and magnesium.
The young tender kale greens are good for salads. The mature kale is a great winter vegetable, when other greens are less plentiful. It is somewhat frost tolerant, so it can be grown as a winter vegetable in milder climates.
Mature kale can either be stir-fried, steamed or else slow-cooked in a crock-pot. Boiling decreases the nutritional value. I like to put chopped kale in the crock-pot with about a cup of water and tsp. of sea salt, then let it cook slowly for several hours. You can add some carrots or small potatoes if you like. I add a Tbsp of vinegar and Tbsp of olive oil along with a couple of cloves of minced garlic.
This is quite yummy!

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